Sunday, June 27, 2010

Stem Cells

Linda and I are off to Greenville tomorrow to have a consult with Dr Fanning, SCT expert. We will talk about what we need to do to harvest some of my stem cells (if we can find any) and freeze them for possible later use on down the road. I have been told by my oncologist here that I am good candidate for the procedure even though I am over the typical age limit. He said I was in very good shape for a 77 year old.
If we decide to harvest the stem cells, I will first have to go through a series of tests to be sure I am fit enough to endure the procedure. Then I will have to be scheduled for the harvest which will take several 4 hour visits after we do some chemo for a few days. If you are curious as to details, do a web search on stem cell harvest from blood and you will have any level of detail available for you to peruse.
Will let you know how the consult went in my next post. I am feeling topnotch and hope I can stay that way for a bit. I consider myself blessed to feel the way I do. Linda, of course, has a lot to do with this as she makes sure that my diet is perfect.

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