Saturday, November 20, 2010

Haley Transition Team Application

I sent this note to the Nikki Haley transition team this morning at 4:25 am. Had had an attack of chemo brain at 2 am which causes my creativity to peak. You cannot believe the stuff I created.

Yes, I want to join your team as long as I don't have to do any heavy lifting, jumping or running. I refuse to come to Columbia other than to visit you or to watch the Tigers beat the Gamecocks. We need to make some big changes in SC and I want to help bring that about.

This is from my website and is very out of date.  It does have my vitae, also old and illustrating my academic side. I am an internet pro and am in the process of switching to a Blog  for my day-to-day stuff. Will eventually update the aforementioned website if I feel that is needed. I say this as the new media has taken up a very important role in communications of all kinds. It is the primary way to reach a lot of folks. It helped Obama win in 2008. That is how the young folks got involved and they were a major reason why he won the election. The other reason was that the MSM refused to vet Obama. They sure did not have any qualms of vetting you. I was sickened by some of the stuff they did during your campaign.

I have been involved in the Oconee County Republican Party for 20 years. I have to tell you that the group here in Oconee is getting very long in the tooth and needs an influx of youth and new ideas. We also need to reach out to minorities. I have given myself a mission of working on those issues.

You may remember me from your visit to OCRP HQ in Seneca. I am not, repeat not, a Groupie. (See attachments) [These were taken by a photographer from the Seneca Journal and she will need credits if you use them.] When you shook my hand, you said "Colonel Flagg, I love your enthusiasm". I was the cheerleader who made the crown make some noise. Mick Zais appreciated that due to our backgrounds. I have circulated the photo far and wide. Folks, other than friends and relatives, mostly wanted to know who was that Old Guy with Governor- Elect Haley!

BTW, the election was too close. When I slipped into bed on election night I was sickened as you were behind. I think I know some of the reasons for it being that close. Will elaborate if you care to hear it.

Finally I am a 78 year old man with the attitude of a 12 year old whose doctor says he has the body of a 60 year old. All of that wisdom in such a nice package.


Col Flagg (My pseudonym  - see my blog for July 4, 2010 for short explanation).
John F. Passafiume, AKA Col Flagg